Live Chat For Slack

The Captivate Hub lets you use Omnichannel Slack Live chat to support your customers via the channel of their choice.

Live Chat For Microsoft Teams

Enhanced Customer Engagement and Team Collaboration with Captivate Chat’s Integration with Slack

Effective customer communication and seamless team collaboration are vital for the success of businesses. At Captivate Chat, we offer a powerful solution to enhance these crucial aspects by seamlessly integrating various customer live chat channels, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, email, Twitter, Instagram, and SMS, into Slack. 

With our innovative integration, you can harness the power of Slack’s robust communication platform while providing your customers with a smooth and efficient chat experience.

Add in OpenAI’s GPT, Amazon Lex or IBM Watson for AI capabilities



Streamlining Customer Chat Experience

Captivate Chat’s integration with Slack allows you to streamline your customer chat experience like never before. Say goodbye to the hassle of switching between multiple platforms—our integration enables your customer service representatives to communicate directly with customers right within Slack. By consolidating all customer conversations from different channels into one centralized location, you gain a clear and comprehensive view of all interactions. No more juggling between various chat folders or missing important messages.

Efficient Workflow Management 

Never miss a chat again with Captivate Chat’s advanced workflow management. Our platform ensures that incoming chats are promptly routed to the appropriate team members, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction. And that’s not all—our integration seamlessly supports popular AI-powered chatbot frameworks like GPT and ChatGPT. Leverage the power of these cutting-edge technologies to automate support and enhance efficiency, providing your customers with quick and accurate responses.

Easily install our MS Teams or Slack App
in just a few clicks!

Enhanced Collaboration and Reporting

By integrating customer live chats into Slack, Captivate Chat not only enhances customer engagement but also promotes collaboration among your team members. Your team can collaborate seamlessly within Slack, resolving customer issues, and sharing knowledge more effectively. Additionally, our platform provides powerful reporting capabilities, enabling you to track performance metrics and gain valuable insights into customer interactions. Analyze chat volume, response times, customer satisfaction ratings, and more to optimize your workflows and make data-driven decisions.


Simple Installation and Setup

Getting started with Captivate Chat’s integration with Slack is a breeze. Install the Captivate Chat app from the Slack App Directory with just a few clicks, and you’re ready to go. Create your Captivate Chat account to access a wide range of powerful features. Configure your chat hub, connect the web widget and a default welcome bot, and you’re all set to capture and manage customer requests seamlessly within Slack.

Live Chat For Slack

Captivate Chat’s integration with Slack empowers businesses to transform their customer communication and team collaboration. By consolidating customer live chat channels and leveraging AI-powered chatbots, you can streamline your chat experience, enhance collaboration, and make data-driven decisions. Upgrade your customer support and team efficiency with Captivate Chat’s seamless integration with Slack

Bring Your Customers Closer

If you want to get closer to your customers from Teams or Slack (as well as do so much more), get going now.